The difference between visible and invisible experiences

In this article, we explain when it makes sense to make experiences invisible and when it doesn't

You can make your experiences visible or invisible at any time in the CMS in the experience overview:

It makes sense to temporarily set experiences to "invisible" if, for example, you don't currently have a masseuse, but a massage offer is planned again in the future or because you always offer brunch on Sundays, but there is a special brunch during the Advent season and you therefore hide the normal brunch.

We recommend keeping your winter and summer experiences visible all year round, as your guests may also be interested in what you offer in summer in winter and vice versa. In this case, simply make the experiences non-requestable/bookable. It is also advisable to change the order of the streams and, for example, move the stream with the winter experiences to the bottom in summer.

Invisible experiences no longer appear in your WebApp (online app for your guests on site) and on your website or wherever you have integrated them via our streams (e.g. in the guest photo tool, in the correspondence tool, etc.).

Please note: If you make an experience invisible, it can still be found via Google. You therefore continue to collect impressions and clicks. If you don't want this, you have two options:

  1. If the experience no longer exists and will not exist again in the future, you can delete the experience completely.
  2. If the experience no longer exists, but you still don't want to delete it, but also don't want it to be found via Google, then either change the category to "Information" (these experiences are not indexed on Google) or remove the experience images (without images, the experiences are also not indexed on Google).
PS: Visible experiences are also "not visible" if you have not added them to a stream.