Sort your experiences by drag and drop or display them chronologically by stored dates

How to sort your experiences in your streams

There are two types of streams:

  1. The Weekly Program or Streams in Weekly Program Style
  2. All other streams

The Weekly Program or Streams in Weekly Program Style

These streams are especially useful for your "weekly program" or a stream that should show upcoming events. The great thing is that the chronological sorting of the events works automatically.

Note: In the weekly program stream or in streams in weekly program style your experiences are displayed chronologically in your ExperienceApp (WebApp / Giggle page). Therefore, this type of stream only works for experiences for which dates (days and times) are stored. If your experience no longer has a current date stored, it will no longer be displayed in the stream.

And this is how you activate the stream in Weekly Program Style for your ExperienceApp/Giggle page: 

Navigate to the "Streams" sub-item in the CMS and then click on "Edit" for the desired stream. Here you can change the order from "individual" to "Weekly Program Style". Then click on Save. Done. 

Please note: This change only affects the display in the Experience app/Giggle page. If you also want to change the display of the stream on your website, in the correspondence manager etc. (i.e. wherever the stream is integrated via our widget code), then the code must be minimally adapted, see our article here.

The functionality of all other streams

All other streams, with the exception of the weekly program stream, are set up as "individual" from the outset: 

This means that all other streams are set so that if you don't make any changes, the order of the experiences in the stream will always be shuffled. If you don't want this to happen, you can easily fix the order using drag and drop: