Why don't my experiences appear in the Facebook calendar?

Learn the possible reasons and easily find the solution

The interface doesn't work for you or individual experiences can't be transferred to your Facebook event calendar, then learn more here:

→ None of my experiences are featured in my Facebook events calendar

→ Some of my experiences are not shown in my Facebook event calendar


If none of your experiences show up in your Facebook events calendar, it could be for two reasons:

  1. First of all, check if you have activated the interface to Facebook. You will know if the interface is active if you can disconnect it at any time by clicking the red button (see screenshot):
  2. If the interface is active and the transfer still does not work, then next check whether you have stored an address on your Facebook company page (see Facebook under Info/Contact information and general info). This is absolutely necessary for the interface activation.


If only individual experiences are not displayed in your Facebook events calendar, this can also have various reasons:

  1. Please note that the transfer to your Facebook calendar only works for experiences for which at least one date and a maximum of 100 dates are stored for a maximum of 52 weeks in the future: 
  2. Also make sure that you always store a category for your experience. Without a category, your experience cannot be transferred to the Facebook calendar.
  3. Furthermore, Facebook does not allow the transmission of experiences that go beyond midnight. Therefore, we recommend either limiting the event period until 11:59 p.m. or, even better, setting "Event duration uncertain" - i.e. an open end:
  4. In order for the experience to be displayed in your Facebook event calendar, the check mark for Facebook must be set under point 5. If there are still problems with the transfer, remove the checkmark and save the experience without Facebook activation. Then open the experience again and set the checkmark for Facebook again and save the settings.