What to look for in the content of your experiences

The content of your experiences is not only important for your guests, but can also be crucial for your performance on Google

What you should consider in terms of content:

  1. The call-to-action (CTA) is the most important thing. Make sure that each experience is bookable or requestable.
  2. The guest needs to see where the experience takes place at first glance. Therefore, always add an address to the experience via Google Maps
  3. Set your experiences apart from the "standard" by having them take place at a certain place, at a certain time or in a certain way and and highlight the people/personalities behind the experiences. Preferably already in the title of the experience :)
  4. The description text should consist of short, concise sentences that concretely contain all important information (who, where, what). Please do not write convoluted sentences or too long novels. 
  5. Use emotional and authentic images and make the people and personalities behind the experience visible. The more images you use per experience, the more guests will click through, the longer they will stay on the experience and the more signals will be sent to Google.
  6. By the way, YouTube videos are particularly liked by Google. Therefore, if available, add a short YouTube video to your most important experiences.

--> In this article you will find the four most booked types of experiences in our system